CEV DREAM PROJECT-CLEAN N GREEN EARTH MISSION-Er. Sundeep Bansal, Er. Partap Chand, Er. Vaibhav Bansal, Er. M. S. Agarwal, Er. Manoj Mittal, Ar. Madhu Garg, Er Madhusudan Kumra, Er. Jaswinder Singh Josan, Ar Vivek Logani, Pawan Kumar Verma, Vr Naidu Ganesha Raju, Ar Mohita Garg Vasisth contributed in this dream Mission

CEV DREAM PROJECT-CLEAN N GREEN EARTH MISSION-Er. Sundeep Bansal, Er. Partap Chand, Er. Vaibhav Bansal, Er. M. S. Agarwal, Er. Manoj Mittal, Ar. Madhu Garg, Er. Madhusudan Kumra, Er. Jaswinder Singh Josan, Ar. Vivek Logani, Mr. Pawan Kumar Verma, Vr. Naidu Ganesha Raju, 

Ar. Mohita Garg Vasisth, Ar. Rohit Kapoor

contributed in this dream Mission

Tree Plantation drive initiated by CEV headquarters 

Our commitment for Clean & Green Earth





Trees provide us with many benefits necessary for survival, including clean air, filtered water, shade, and food. They also give us hope and insight, and courage to persevere – even in the harshest conditions. Trees teach us to stay rooted while soaring to great heights. 

Planting trees for the environment is good as they are renewable, biodegradable and recyclable. If we plant 20 million trees, the earth will get with 260 million more tons of oxygen. … During photosynthesis, trees and other plants absorb carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. Trees keep in cheek the air and water pollution.

Environmental Benefits of Planting Trees

Trees are like the lungs of the planet. They breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen. Additionally, they provide habitat for birds and other wildlife. But that’s not all trees do for us! To see just how much trees are essential to the planet and to humans, let’s look at the following statistics:

  • CO2 is one of the major contributing elements to the greenhouse effect. Trees trap CO2 from the atmosphere and make carbohydrates that are used for plant growth. They give us oxygen in return. According to ColoradoTree.org, about 800 million tons of carbon are stored in the trees that make up the urban forests of the U.S. This translates to a savings of $22 billion in control costs. Mature trees can absorb roughly 48 pounds of CO2 a year. The tree in turn releases enough oxygen to sustain two human beings.

  • Trees also help to reduce ozone levels in urban areas. In New York City, a 10 percent increase in urban canopy translated to a reduction of peak ozone levels by around 4 parts per billion. (Source: Luley, Christopher J.; Nowak, David J. 2004. Help Clear the Smog with Your Urban Forest: What You and Your Urban Forest Can Do About Ozone.)

  • Trees reduce urban runoff and erosion by storing water and breaking the force of rain as it falls. The USDA reports that 100 mature trees can reduce runoff caused by rainfall by up to 100,000 gallons!

  • Trees also absorb sound and reduce noise pollution. This is especially important for people who live near freeways. In some cases, a well planted group of trees can reduce noise pollution by up to 10 decibels. (Source: New Jersey Forest Service.)

  • Additionally, trees shade asphalt and trees, reducing what is know as the “Heat Island” effect

The CEV INDIA  members are requested to motivate the residents of its housing colonies to plant & protect maximum number of trees in & around the colonies. The rural residents members of CEV INDIA motivate village Panchayats to plant and protect tree saplings in and around the villages to improve the environmental ambiance.

#Clean_n_Green_Earth…… LETS DO IT.

1. Tree Plantation By CEV IAF RVO. We are celebrating 2nd FOUNDATION DAY of CEV IAF RVO. Er. Sundeep Bansal, Er. Partap Chand & Er. Vaibhav Bansal.

Lets Make Our Planet Green

2. Er. M. S. Agarwal planted 5 Trees today morning in a colony park at Haridwar.

Thanks a lot sir for helping our Planet to make it green.

3. Trees planted in junior model school 04/12/2020 by CEV Core Committee Member Er. Manoj Mittal at Jalandhar

Thanks a lot sir for helping our Planet to make it green.

4. Trees planted in by Family of CEV Member Ar. Madhu Garg M/S Creative Architects on 05/12/2020 at Panchkula Near Chandigarh.


Thanks a lot madam for helping our Planet to make it green.

5. Trees planted in public park by CEV Member Er. Madhusudan Kumra on 07/12/2020 at Ludhiana

Thanks a lot sir for helping our Planet to make it green.




6. Trees planted in public park by CEV Member Er. JASWINDER SINGH JOSAN on 10/12/2020 at Park of SECTOR 44, CHANDIGARH

Thanks a lot sir for helping us to make our Planet GREEN.

2 Nos of Sehijin / Moringa plants planted today. Moringa is rare plant with a lot of medicinal properties.

The Power of MORINGA ( सहजन ) to boost Immunity … Natural source of Vitamins and Minerals

Sahijan or Drumstick tree or Shigru …these all are names of Moringa which is also called ( Superfood ) due to its highly nutritious qualities.

According to textbooks of Ayurveda , Moringa is also called Shigru ( moves like an arrow) means , it has properties of deeply and rapidly penetrating tissues.

Different Benefits of Moringa ( Sahijan)

1. It is very useful in relieving pain caused by Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis. It is also useful in Headaches due to its analgesic effect.

2. Diabetes: Many studies have been conducted to prove the anti-diabetic and anti-oxidant effect of Moringa.

3. Moringa contains good quantities of proteins, vitamins, and minerals. As an antioxidant, it protects cells from oxidation damage and is really helpful for
* Hypertension
* Sleep
* Heart
* Kidneys
* Liver and
* Pancreas
4. Moringa is also helpful in managing overweight ( obesity).
5.Traditionally, Moringa is used for “tired blood” (anemia).

Sahjian is used as part of diet in India since ages.
It’s fruit or seedpods , often reffered to as drumsticks , are commonly used in the south indian dish called Sambar .
Sahjian is a generally safe plant medicine when taken orally and used in appropriate dosages.
6. Moringa is nature’s vitamin and mineral pharmacy full of anti Oxidants.
One Moringa bean has
more vitamin A than one kg of carrots.
more vitamin C than lemon and oranges
more vitamin E than almonds
vitamin B complex, vitamin K
and Minerals like Calcium, Iron , Zinc , Magnesium.
Every part of this plant can be used leaves , flowers and roots .
you can take Moringa in Capsule form or Moringa tea or Moringa Oil is usee for various purposes.
You can plant a Moringa tree in your house or near your house .

Moringa is said to have a heating energetic effects , it increases Pitta dosha .
So, People having Gastritis problem or with sensitive stomach should use this in less quantity.
2. It is not given in bleeding disorders.

7. Trees planted in public park by CEV Member Ar. Vivek Logani on 16/12/2020 at Mehdi park, C Block
Sushant Lok-1, Gurugram, Haryana on the auspacious occasion of his Birthday

Thanks a lot sir for helping us to make our Planet GREEN.



8. Trees planted in public park by CEV Member Vr Pawan Kumar Verma on 22/12/2020 at Mohali, Chandigarh

Thanks a lot sir for helping us to make our Planet GREEN.

9. Trees planted in public park by CEV Member Vr NAIDU GANESHA RAJU on 24/12/2020 at Hyderabad, Telangana

Thanks a lot sir for helping us to make our Planet GREEN.

10. Gavava & Mango Trees planted in public park by CEV Member Ar Mohita Garg Vasisth on 12/01/2021 at M. C. Green Belt, Swastik Vihar, Sector-5, Mansa Devi Complex, Panchkula, Haryana

Thanks a lot madam for helping us to make our Planet GREEN.


11. Two plants planted in public  park by CEV Member Ar Rohit Kapoor on 15/03/2021 at AEKTA AVENUE PARK, PARTAP NAGAR, PATIALA, PUNJAB

Thanks a lot sir for helping us to make our Planet GREEN.



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