Saturday Brain Storming Thought (226) 08/06/2024


Digital Inclusion

Digital Inclusion is defined as – equitable, meaningful and safe access to use, lead and design of digital technologies, services and associated opportunities for everyone, everywhere

Elements of Digital Inclusion

1) Affordable, robust broadband internet services

2) Internet-enabled devices that meet the needs of the user

3) Access to digital literacy training

4) Quality technical support

5) Applications and online content designed to enable and encourage self-sufficiency, participation and collaboration

Indicators of strong Digital Inclusion Ecosystem

1) Existence of programs and policies addressing all aspects of the digital divide

2) Affordable and subsidized broadband service options that meets the community’s needs

3) Affordable and subsidized device ownership programs that meet the community needs

4) Multilingual digital literacy and digital skill trainings that meet the community’s needs

5) Hardware and software technical support

6) Digital navigation service to guide residents to the above service

Key barriers to Digital Inclusion

1) Lack of supporting infrastructure

2) Inaccessibility

3) Lack of digital skills

Benefits of Digital Inclusion

1) More job opportunities

2) More educational opportunities

3) More leisure alternatives

4) Better use of time

5) Greater access to information

6) Increased protection against digital crime

To increase Digital Inclusion

1) Public access computers

2) Computers accessible to defined populations (such as residents of a housing complex)

3) Free WiFi hotspots

4) Low cost options for home computer purchasing

5) Partnering with broadband providers to offer low cost broadband

6) Extending broadband service into rural areas lacking reasonable cost high speed broadband

Digital Divide

The Digital Divide is the unequal access to digital technology, including smartphones, tablets, laptops and the internet

The digital divide worsens inequality around access to information and resources

Digital Inclusion Specialist

Identify or create an initial client digital literacy skills assessment and administer to class participants

Monitor class participation, maintain attendence record, collaborate with direct service staff associated with participating clients and keep track of outcomes

Different sectors of Digital Inclusion

1) Education

2) Health

3) Farming

4) Planning

5) Security

Takeaways of Digital Inclusion

1) The goal of digital inclusion initiatives is to further support equitable access to and use of digital technologies to participate in modern society

2) Corporate responsibility for digital inclusion is growing, but most organizations still need improvement when it comes to action and impact

3) Digital Inclusion efforts begin with effective stakeholder education and engagement

4) Affordable access, digital skills training and inclusive offerings are foundational building blocks to digital inclusion

5) Pooling resources through strategic partnerships (typically between for profit companies and NGOs) maximizes the impact of digital inclusion efforts

6) Digital Inclusion often requires legislative support

Need of Digital Rights

Digital Rights are important because they ensure that individuals can navigate the digital world safely, protect their privacy and freely express themselves online without fear of censorship or discrimination

Importance of Digital Inclusion for businesses

1) Expanded customer base

2) Setting up an online store

3) Creating brand awareness

4) Enhanced customer experience

5) Easy online transactions

6) Personalized marketting campaign

7) Online banking services

8) User friendly mobile apps

9) Digital customer support

10) Improved productivity and efficiency

11) Increased conversion rates and sales



Er. Avinash Kulkarni

Chartered Engineer, Govt Regd Valuer, IBBI Regd Valuer

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