Saturday Brain Storming Thought (206) 20/01/2024
A discount for the lack of Marketability is the implicit cost of quickly monetizing a non-marketable asset at its current value. These discounts are used in many venues to determine the fair market value of a non-marketable such as a privately held business.
DLOM ranges
The consensus of many studies is that the DLOM ranges between 30% to 50%
Factors affecting DLOM
1) minimul volatility in the value of the underlying assets
2) above average expectations for future yield
3) a proven and stabilized history of income
4) the certainty of distributions or expectation of capital appreciation
5) the limited time period on restriction of ability to sell the interest
6) favourable outlook for the future growth of the entity
Discount for lack of control (DLOC)
DLOC accounts for the reduced value of a minority interest due to the absence of control
Discount for lack of Marketability (DLOM)
DLOM reflects the impact of liquidity or limited Marketability
Discount Pricing
Discount Pricing is a type of promotional pricing strategy where the original price for a product or service is reduced to increase traffic, move inventory and driving sales
Discount price calculation
1) look at the original price
2) figure out discount percentage
3) Calculate the savings
4) substract the savings from the original price and you will get the sales price
Discount Price = (original price) – (original price X discount/100)
Types of Discount Pricing
1) Seasonal
Businesses offer promotional discounts on seasonal goods or during particular seasons
Seasonal discounts are applied to out of season merchandise to sell old inventory
2) Clearance
It use to indicate their products are for sale at unusual discounts, such as buy one get one free offer for a limited time only ie to liquidate what’s left in shop
3) Volume
A volume discount incentivizes customers to purchase goods in multiple or large quantities
Key Takeaways for DLOM
1) DLOM is a financial concept that measures an investment or assets value reduction because of its limited liquidity
2) it assists in accounting for the difficulty of selling certain assets in the open market
3) some assets may take longer to sell or find it difficult to get potential buyers or investors
4) the estimation is subjective and may vary according to market conditions and the evaluators perception
Challenges to DLOM
1) DLOM estimation process involves professional judgment and can be subjective
2) different evaluators may arrive at various discount rates based on their interpretation of the data and techniques used
3) obtaining accurate and reliable data for valuing assets can be challenging
4) limited transaction data and market information may result in inaccurate DLOM estimates
5) there is no universally accepted method for calculating DLOM
6) different approaches and models may yield different results, resulting in discrepancies in the estimations
7) several factors influence DLOM, including time to Marketability, restrictions on transferability, market conditions and investors demand
8) assessing and quantifying these factors accurately can be a complex procedure
9) valuing the assets and applying DLOM may have legal and regulatory implications
10) compliance with relevant laws, regulations and standards complicates the analysis
11) the ongoing market conditions can impact the assets liquidity and marketability
12) market volatility, economic fluctuations, industry trends and shifts in market sentiments can influence DLOM
13) DLOM estimation may require regular reassessment
Factors affecting DLOM
1) assets characteristics
2) prevailing market conditions
3) companies financial performance and prospects
4) the ownership interests size
5) market volatility
6) presence of control or voting rights
7) level of information transparency
8) legal and regulatory considerations
9) overall perceived risk related to assets marketability
Core concepts in discounting
1) marketability
2) liquidity
3) holding period
4) liquidation period
5) price pressure
6) price risk/volatility
The capability and ease of transfer or scalability of an asset, business, business ownership interest or security
The ability to readily convert an asset, business, business ownership interest or security into cash without significant loss of principal
Marketability discount rate
The marketability discount is typically estimated by comparing the calue of a restricted or illiquid asset with the value of a similar but more liquid asset
The difference between the two values represents the discount applied to the restricted or illiquid asset
Trade discount
Trade discount is a reduction in the products list price
Cash discount
Cash discount isa discount made by a company to its consumers to promote early payment
Discount effect definition
1) the whole order – discount will be applied to the total order amount
2) select item -: discount will be applied only to selected items
3) proportionally to amount – each item is discounted proportionally to its share in the total discounted items amount
4) proportionally to quantity – each item is discounted proportionally to itsshare in the total quantity of the discounted items
5) most expensive/cheapest item – the effect will apply the discount only to the cheapest/most expensive items in the cart
6) missing items/new items – this effect is only available for unit discounts.
Er. Avinash Kulkarni
Chartered Engineer, Govt Regd Valuer, IBBI Regd Valuer