NEW DELHI: In a recent Google Analytics fact sheet it is found that the CEV Website www.cevnews.in been viewed by professionals for more than 10.50 Lakhs times for the use of professional news updates.
CTN PRESS started to publish daily News Services Digest to enable its members to be updated with all daily news articles related to all important National as well as international News.
Pageviews more than 10,59,390 and unique sessions 3,18,062 in recent days and this number is increasing day by day.
Not only this the services of CEV INDIA are being utilized in most of the developed countries like the UK, USA, Canada, Japan, China, Germany, Ireland, UAE, Singapore, Malaysia, etc worldwide on daily basis as per Google Analytics.
Council of Engineers and Valuers is printing its own newspaper named CEV TECHNO NEWS which is most popular in the technology ecosystem as this is the only newspaper being published by any professional organization in the country on a purely charitable basis. This newspaper prints the news exclusively related to the topic of Engineering and Valuers only.
COUNCIL OF ENGINEERS AND VALUERS has also launched its own ONLINE DAILY NEWS DIGEST PORTAL for its RNI registered News Paper CEV TECHNO NEWS registered with Registrar of News Papers in India, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India to provide online help to the professionals in the field of Engineering and Valuation like news of education & professional updates, Empanelments, List of Valuers, Directory of Members, Directory of Govt. certified Gold Valuers, Banks empanelment notices, etc,
It has widespread publication in all Government & Private Engineering departments, Development & Engineering authorities, Municipal corporations, different ministries, Engineering and Polytechnic institutions and Universities, Improvement trusts, NHAI, State Electricity Boards, PWD, BRO, IRDA, etc.
The copies of this newspaper are being sent to all the Head/Zonal/Regional offices of Banks/Engineering & Technical Departments of Central / State Government, Local bodies/ Municipal Corporations/ Development Authorities of Central/ State Government, All Universities, Engineering and Polytechnic colleges, All Ministries especially related to technical fields, IT Department, DRTs, IBBI, etc.
Anyone can send News Articles, important information, Technical news journals, Updates, etc. directly to the email address provided. News & articles from all Engineering and valuation qualified authors irrespective of membership of any organization will be published in CEV News on priority with their names and photographs.