Daimler India Commercial Vehicles (DICV) on Wednesday announced Manish Thakore, currently Managing Director of Daimler Financial Services India, as their new Chief Financial Officer (CFO).Thakore will succeed current CFO Leonardo Piccinini, be a key member of Executive Board.“Manish’s entrepreneurial mindset, rich financial background and digital transformation experience makes him a perfect fit for our management team. Our customers, dealers, employees and other stakeholders will all certainly benefit from his strong knowledge of the Indian market environment as well as his vast international experience,” Satyakam Arya, Managing Director and CEO of Daimler India Commercial Vehicles, said in a statement.
Thakore started his career with Daimler in 2000 as a Fleet Analyst in the USA after which he took over several managerial roles.In his most recent role as Managing Director of Daimler Financial Services India, Manish looked to improve the profitability of the business by strongly focusing on operational processes such as collections. At the same time, he and his team also initiated a ‘Digital Customer Journey’ with the rollout of several digital initiatives that enhanced efficiency, reduced process turnaround time, and improved customer experience.