What is the main purpose of the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016 (RERA)?
A. To regulate rental agreements
B. To protect the interests of home buyers and ensure transparency
C. To manage property taxes
D. To regulate foreign investment in real estate
Answer: B. To protect the interests of home buyers and ensure transparency

Which term refers to the division of a single property into multiple parcels?
A. Consolidation
B. Subdivision
C. Amalgamation
D. Partition
Answer: B. Subdivision

In a cooperative housing society, what is typically issued to members as proof of their share in the society?
A. Sale Deed
B. Share Certificate
C. Lease Agreement
D. Title Deed
Answer: B. Share Certificate

Which of the following is a common feature of a condominium ownership?
A. Individual ownership of land
B. Ownership of an individual unit with shared common areas
C. Entire property owned by a single entity
D. Only rental rights are granted
Answer: B. Ownership of an individual unit with shared common areas

What is the primary difference between ‘leasehold’ and ‘freehold’ property?
A. Leasehold grants perpetual ownership
B. Freehold grants temporary use rights
C. Leasehold is for a fixed period, freehold is perpetual
D. Freehold can be leased but leasehold cannot
Answer: C. Leasehold is for a fixed period, freehold is perpetual

Which term describes the market value of a property minus any debts or liabilities on it?
A. Equity
B. Appraisal
C. Collateral
D. Depreciation
Answer: A. Equity

In property law, what is a ‘covenant’?
A. A type of lease agreement
B. A binding promise or restriction in a deed
C. A legal description of property boundaries
D. A method of property transfer
Answer: B. A binding promise or restriction in a deed

What is the purpose of a ‘building completion certificate’ (BCC)?
A. To authorize construction to begin
B. To certify that a building has been constructed according to approved plans
C. To transfer property ownership
D. To record the sale of a property
Answer: B. To certify that a building has been constructed according to approved plans

Which term refers to a person’s right to recover property unlawfully taken?
A. Easement
B. Replevin
C. Adverse Possession
D. Encroachment
Answer: B. Replevin

What does the term ‘zoning’ refer to in real estate?
A. The division of land into residential and commercial areas
B. The process of property registration
C. The legal transfer of property
D. The assessment of property value
Answer: A. The division of land into residential and commercial areas

What is the legal term for the voluntary relinquishment of property rights?
A. Alienation
B. Abandonment
C. Devise
D. Encumbrance
Answer: B. Abandonment

What does ‘intestate’ mean in the context of property law?
A. Transferring property without a sale
B. Dying without a legal will
C. Leasing property for a short term
D. Owning property jointly
Answer: B. Dying without a legal will

Which type of property transfer is exempt from stamp duty in many Indian states?
A. Sale
B. Gift
C. Inheritance
D. Lease
Answer: C. Inheritance

In India, what does the term ‘Khata’ refer to?
A. Property title document
B. Property tax assessment document
C. Lease agreement
D. Mortgage deed
Answer: B. Property tax assessment document

What does ‘FSI’ stand for in real estate terminology?
A. Floor Space Index
B. Financial Security Insurance
C. Fixed Sale Inventory
D. Future Sale Interest
Answer: A. Floor Space Index

What is the primary purpose of a ‘mutation certificate’ in property transactions?
A. To transfer title ownership
B. To indicate change of ownership in land records
C. To certify payment of property taxes
D. To authorize construction
Answer: B. To indicate change of ownership in land records

Which of the following is a key feature of ‘community property’ law?
A. Property owned by the community
B. Property acquired during marriage is owned jointly by spouses
C. Property used for public purposes
D. Property with multiple owners not related by marriage
Answer: B. Property acquired during marriage is owned jointly by spouses

What does ‘demarcation’ mean in the context of land ownership?
A. The legal transfer of property
B. The physical marking of property boundaries
C. The assessment of property value
D. The division of property among heirs
Answer: B. The physical marking of property boundaries

Which term refers to a right granted to enter and use land for a specific purpose without possessing it?
A. Leasehold
B. Easement
C. Freehold
D. License
Answer: B. Easement

What is the purpose of a ‘possession certificate’ in real estate?
A. To prove ownership
B. To indicate physical possession of property
C. To record property boundaries
D. To transfer property rights
Answer: B. To indicate physical possession of property

Which of the following is NOT typically included in a ‘lease agreement’?
A. Lease term
B. Rent amount
C. Property ownership details
D. Maintenance responsibilities
Answer: C. Property ownership details

What is the term for the gradual increase in property value over time?
A. Depreciation
B. Amortization
C. Appreciation
D. Inflation
Answer: C. Appreciation

Which document is critical for verifying the legal status of a property in terms of ownership and encumbrances?
A. Sale Deed
B. Encumbrance Certificate
C. Power of Attorney
D. Building Plan
Answer: B. Encumbrance Certificate

What is a ‘mortgage’ in the context of property law?
A. Temporary transfer of property
B. Loan secured by property
C. Lease of property
D. Sale of property
Answer: B. Loan secured by property

What is the legal effect of ‘adverse possession’?
A. Ownership is transferred through sale
B. Ownership is transferred due to continuous possession
C. Lease rights are granted to the occupant
D. The property is declared public land
Answer: B. Ownership is transferred due to continuous possession

In India, what is the ‘Circle Rate’?
A. The rate of interest on home loans
B. The government-determined minimum value for property transactions
C. The rate of property tax
D. The rate of appreciation of property value
Answer: B. The government-determined minimum value for property transactions

What is a ‘lien’ in real estate terms?
A. A right to use someone else’s land
B. A claim or legal right against a property as security for a debt
C. A type of lease agreement
D. A method of property appraisal
Answer: B. A claim or legal right against a property as security for a debt

Which term refers to the legal process of dividing property among legal heirs?
A. Partition
B. Adverse Possession
C. Encroachment
D. Amortization
Answer: A. Partition

What is the significance of a ‘building plan approval’ in real estate?
A. It authorizes the sale of property
B. It certifies the property is free from legal disputes
C. It approves the construction of a building as per regulations
D. It records the property’s market value
Answer: C. It approves the construction of a building as per regulations

In real estate, what does ‘FAR’ stand for?
A. Fixed Asset Ratio
B. Floor Area Ratio
C. Final Assessment Rate
D. Future Appreciation Rate
Answer: B. Floor Area Ratio

What does ‘encroachment’ mean in property law?
A. Legal leasing of property
B. Unauthorized intrusion into another’s property
C. Transfer of property rights
D. Subdivision of land
Answer: B. Unauthorized intrusion into another’s property

What is a ‘title search’ in the context of real estate transactions?
A. Searching for available properties to buy
B. Examining public records to confirm property ownership and encumbrances
C. Evaluating the market value of property
D. Registering a new property
Answer: B. Examining public records to confirm property ownership and encumbrances

Which term describes the practice of renting property to multiple tenants under separate agreements?
A. Joint Tenancy
B. Co-ownership
C. Subletting
D. Multiple Occupancy
Answer: D. Multiple Occupancy

What is the purpose of a ‘sale agreement’ in real estate transactions?
A. To lease a property
B. To transfer title ownership
C. To outline the terms and conditions of a property sale
D. To register property boundaries
Answer: C. To outline the terms and conditions of a property sale

What is the term for a legal claim against property for payment of a debt?
A. Mortgage
B. Lien
C. Easement
D. Lease
Answer: B. Lien

Which type of property right involves the right to use and enjoy property for a specific period, usually until death?
A. Life Estate
B. Leasehold
C. Freehold
D. Easement
Answer: A. Life Estate

In Indian real estate, what is a ‘khata transfer’?
A. Transfer of lease rights
B. Change of property tax records to new owner’s name
C. Approval of building plans
D. Issuance of possession certificate
Answer: B. Change of property tax records to new owner’s name

What does the term ‘common areas’ refer to in real estate?
A. Areas within an individual unit
B. Shared areas accessible to all residents in a development
C. Areas designated for commercial use
D. Privately owned areas
Answer: B. Shared areas accessible to all residents in a development

What is the primary purpose of a ‘deed of trust’ in property transactions?
A. To transfer property ownership
B. To act as security for a loan
C. To lease property
D. To outline property boundaries
Answer: B. To act as security for a loan

Which term describes the right of a property owner to recover possession of leased property upon lease expiration?
A. Reversion
B. Sublease
C. Encumbrance
D. Devise
Answer: A. Reversion

In the context of Indian real estate, what is a ‘DDA flat’?
A. A flat constructed by the Delhi Development Authority
B. A flat available only for lease
C. A flat with no legal title
D. A flat used for commercial purposes
Answer: A. A flat constructed by the Delhi Development Authority

What is a ‘title deed’ in real estate?
A. A lease agreement
B. A document proving ownership of property
C. A property tax receipt
D. A construction permit
Answer: B. A document proving ownership of property

What does ‘BHK’ stand for in real estate listings?
A. Basic Housekeeping
B. Bedroom, Hall, Kitchen
C. Built-in Housekeeping
D. Bathroom, Hall, Kitchen
Answer: B. Bedroom, Hall, Kitchen

What is the primary purpose of a ‘municipal tax receipt’ in property transactions?
A. To transfer property ownership
B. To show payment of property taxes
C. To lease property
D. To register property boundaries
Answer: B. To show payment of property taxes

What is the legal term for improvements made to leased property by a tenant?
A. Encroachment
B. Fixtures
C. Tenant Improvements
D. Commonhold
Answer: C. Tenant Improvements

What is ‘urban land ceiling’ in the context of Indian real estate?
A. The maximum height allowed for buildings
B. A limit on the amount of urban land one can own
C. A cap on property taxes in urban areas
D. A standard for building materials
Answer: B. A limit on the amount of urban land one can own

Which of the following is NOT typically covered in a property insurance policy?
A. Fire damage
B. Theft
C. Flood damage
D. Lease disputes
Answer: D. Lease disputes

What does the term ‘settlement’ mean in the context of property transactions?
A. Resolving a legal dispute over property
B. Completing the transfer of property ownership
C. Leasing property for a long term
D. Subdividing land
Answer: B. Completing the transfer of property ownership

In Indian real estate, what is the role of a ‘tehsildar’?
A. To issue construction permits
B. To maintain land records and collect land revenue
C. To act as a property broker
D. To approve property insurance
Answer: B. To maintain land records and collect land revenue

Which term refers to the person who makes a will?
– A. Testator
– B. Trustee
– C. Beneficiary
– D. Executor
– Answer: A. Testator

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