Saturday Brain Storming Thought (214) 16/03/2024


Product Value is the benefit that a customer gets by using a product to satisfy their needs, minus associated costs

Product Value is a measure of a products ability to meet and address customers needs

Value of a product to customers can inform a products development roadmap

Product Value Proposition

A product value proposition summarizes why a customer would choose your product over any other

It is a succinct statement that reveals the value customers will enjoy when they buy from your company, use your product and interact with your team

A product value proposition is typically an output of the overall business strategy

Product focused questions

1) What does it do?

2) How does it look and feel?

3) What unmet need does your product fill?

4) What is the benefit to choosing your product over others?

Customer focused questions

1) What is the problem you are trying to solve?

2) How are you currently solving this problem?

3) What arecthe practical criteria for choosing a new solution?

4) What emotions drive purchase decisions?

5) What will you loose by not buying?

Company focused questions

1) What policies impact buying?

2) How do we support the user post-purchase?

3) What other products or services do we offer?

Product Value Statement

A product value statement encapsulates exactly what makes your product special

Company-led product value proposition

(Company) helps (target audience) (Solve X challenge) with (features offered)

Customer-led product value proposition

(Target audience) use (features offered) to (solve problem) with (product name)

Types of product value

1) Functional value

2) Monetary value

3) Social value

4) Psychological value

With a customer’s wants and resources (financial ability), they demand products and services with benefits that add up to the most value and satisfaction

Ways to improve product value

1) Add new product features that improves user experience

2) Improve product packaging and design

3) Improve customer onboarding

4) Continue to innovate

5) Refine after-sales service

6) Increase speed of product delivery

7) Offer experts advice

Examples of product value

Product Value naturally varies from product to product

1) Availability

Customers can access the product online or offline

2) Convenience

The product is available on multiple devices, including mobile

3) Speed

The product does it’s job quickly with no lag or delay

4) Cost

The product is more affordable than its competitors

Identifying product value

1) You can identify product value by reviewing product analytics and letting the data to do talking

2) Customer feedback

3) publish NPS surveys to assess the core value proposition as your customer see it

Metrics for measuring product value

1) MRR

Monthly recurring revenue is a key matric

2) Retention

High retention rate shows that customers are continuing to derive value fyom your product after signup

Customers have made using your product a habit and can pinpoint it’s benefits

3) Churn

Low churn rate generally indicates that your product is solving a key business need and maintaining a competative advantage

4) LTV

Life time value helps you understand how your product performs over time

When LTV is high, it’s asign that you are able to deliver long-term value to your customers

Powerful product presentations

1) Create a memorable first impression

2) Build trust and long-lasting client relationships

3) Stand out from the competition

4) Boost sales and revenue

Need in a product presentations

1) Introduction

2) Company overview

3) The problem

4) Product and solution

5) Promise of value or benefits

6) Product positioning

7) Use cases and social proofs

8) Call to action

9) Conclusion

Product Value scorecard

1) Population

How many customers will this team impact?

2) Need

How important is it for those who require it?

3) Strategy

How closely connected is this work to your company and product strategy?

4) Effort

How much work will it take to build?

5) Confidence

What is your level of confidence in each score above?

Illustrative examples of product value

1) Functionality

2) Features

3) Usability

4) Convenience

5) Customization & control

6) Realibility

7) Availability

8) Refinement

9) Sustainability

10) Fault tolerance

11) Packaging

12) Safety

13) Health

14) Taste

15) Decor

16) Location

17) Style

18) Efficiency

19) Resilience

20) Customer service

21) Social

22) Compatibility

23) Performance

24) Durability

25) Accuracy

26) Entertainment

27) Engagement

28) Preferences

29) Reputation

Product Value Area

1) Product development

2) Marketting

3) Pricing

4) Design

Concepts realated to product value

1) Quality

2) Design considerations

3) Principle of least astonishment

4) Product development

5) Usability

6) Customer motivations


Er. Avinash Kulkarni

Chartered Engineer, Govt Regd Valuer, IBBI Regd Valuer

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