Saturday Brain Storming Thought (176) 17/06/2023


Scarcity Value is the increased value of something when there is not much of it available

Scarcity Value is an economic factor describing the increase in an items relative price by a low supply

Examples of Scarcity Value

Other fossil fuels

When demand exceeds the supply, these resources become scarce and prices can go up

Diamonds, command a high price because of their limited availability and control of their market

Absolute Scarcity

It refers to physical limitations of resources

Relative Scarcity

It refers to the value we place on resources

Scarcity at zero price

Scarcity exists even when certain goods are available at zero prices

This is because the availability of goods or services at zero prices does not mean they are unlimited or free

There are still costs associated with producing and distributing these goods, which means they are not entirely free

Scarcity creats value

Scarcity increases the value of product or service

Causes of Scarcity

1) poor distribution of resources

2) personal perspective on resources

3) rapid increase in demand

4) rapid decrease in supply

Scarcity Principle

It is an economic theory that explains the price relationship between dynamic supply and demand

Theory of Scarcity

The scarcity Principle is a theory in economics that maintains that scarcity in the supply of a product and high demand for that product cause a discrepancy in the supply and demand equilibrium

Law of Scarcity

Law of Scarcity simply states : if what we desire appears to be in limited supply, the perception of its value increases significantly

No Scarcity

For without scarcity, no need for choice, either individual or collective, exists

One need not make a choice between buying a nice lunch at restaurant and buying a new sweater because one will always have enough resources to purchase both goods

Scarcity and Shortage

Scarcity refers to the existence of limited resources that are not enough to address unlimited human needs or demands

Shortage refers to an occurrence whereby the order in the market outdoes the supply available at a given time

Permanent of Scarcity

Scarcity is not permanent

Solutions to Scarcity

1) economic growth

2) reduce our wants

3) use our existing resources wisely

Father of Scarcity definition

Lionel Robbins gave the scarcity definition of economics

Key Takeaways of Scarcity

1) the scarcity Principle is an economic theory that explains the price relationship between dynamic supply and demand

2) according to the scarcity Principle, the price of good, which has low supply and high demand, rises to meet the expected demand

3) marketers often use the principle to create artificial scarcity for a given product or good – and make it exclusive – in order to generate demand for it

Causes of Scarcity

1) overconsumption of resources

2) rising demand when supply remains same

3) reduced supply due to economic or environmental reasons

4) government interventions

Types of Scarcity

1) excess demand

2) exclusivity

3) urgency

4) rarity

Fear of Scarcity

A scarcity mindset is the belief that there will never be enough, resulting in feelings of fear, stress and anxiety

Culture of Scarcity

It is a culture preoccupied with lack, in which the focus is on your inadequacies, and there isa perpetual felt sence of never enough

Scarcity and Choice

Scarcity refers to the finite nature and availability of resources

Choice refers to peoples decisions about sharing and using those resources

Scarcity and Growth

Scarcity – the condition we face with limited resources to satisfy unlimited wants, which compels us to choose among alternatives

Economic growth raises standards of living, even in the continuing face of scarcity

Scarcity Marketing

Scarcity Marketing is the idea of limiting the supply of a product, whether it be through restricting availability to a certain time frame or decreasing production – oftentimes both

Scarcity Strategy

Scarcity marketing is a strategy used by businesses to increase the perceived value of products by reducing supply or by creating scarcity around offers on products

Scarcity MCQ

Scarcity of resources refers to the situation where resources are limited in quantity and have alternative uses in production of various commodities

Examples of Scarcity

1) Land

2) Housing

3) Overuse

4) Commodities

5) Water

6) Labour

7) Healthcare

8) World health issues

9) Seasonal Shortages

10) International diplomacy

11) Weather and natural desasters

12) Fixed roadways

Absolute Scarcity

It describes resources that are fixed in supply and cannot be increased or decreased, regardless of demand

Scarcity and Market Failure

With scarcity, there isa potential for Market Failure

Firms may not think about the future until it is too late

Therefore when the good becomes scarce, there might not be any practical alternative that has been developed

In times of Scarcity

1) Lions will travel great distance in search of food

2) Old properties in the town have acquired a scarcity value

3) there is great scarcity of food in the drought stricken areas

Effect of Scarcity

1) Higher value on the object that are scarce

2) Lower value on objects that are available in abundance

Compiled by

Compiled by:

Er. Avinash Kulkarni

Chartered Engineer, Govt Regd Valuer, IBBI Regd Valuer

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