NEW DELHI-12/03/2023 (TECHNO REPORTER): CEV INTEGRAL APPRAISERS FOUNDATION (Registered Section-8 company under Company’s Act-2013, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India) in the exercise of the power conferred by CLAUSE (E) OF SUB-RULE (2) OF RULE 12 OF THE COMPANIES (REGISTERED VALUERS AND VALUATION) RULES, 2017 celebrated the International Women’s Day during an online educational program and it was attended by more than 60 participants from all over India including its Registered Valuers members.

On behalf of the Board of Directors of as a women representative of CEV IAF RVO, Dr. Shefalika Welcomed all the Faculties, participants & observers to this event.
She emphasized that we are here to celebrate the presence of Women in society and to celebrate their achievements, to celebrate International Women’s Day. An Organizer, Administrative Leader, Director, Recreator, Partner, Daughter, Health Officer, Teacher, an Artist- Architect, Registered Valuer a Woman has various roles to play in her life. To celebrate the importance and significance of Women in every person’s life every year, International Women’s Day is celebrated on 8th March. Women’s Day recognizes and celebrates Women in every field. A Woman has a positive mind and a fierce nature to excel in their respective fields. Professional & Educational institutions are now open to celebrate Women’s Day. It’s a sign of progress and they are teaching students to honor and respect a Woman.
The Day formed by Women helps in bringing attention towards the forgotten Women’s rights and gender equality in a few places around the world. It should be considered a Day where everyone acknowledges the value and the importance of Women in our lives and all around the world.
She added that CEV IAF RVO salutes all the Women out there who are doing wonders all around the Globe and making their Nation proud. Specially to the RV members who come forward with their special topic presentation on this special day.
The program was perfectly inaugurated, managed & hosted by Ar. Akshada Dhoot Registered Valuer who coordinated this event as per the Rules of the organization.
The different professional related topics were presented by distinguished qualified & experienced women speakers & representatives of the CEV IAF who are doing commendable contribution to the society as a woman entrepreneur & highly skilled professional.
“Women’s Empowerment in Valuation Sector”; By- RV Gunjan Rajdev & Ar. Mallika Jain.
Talking about problems faced in Architecture they said We had to work twice harder to avoid hearing ‘ Ye ladkion k kaam thode hai.’ The common uniting element in all the labour on site is that they are ‘ Men’.. How can a woman give them instructions? Combating the ‘ Patriarchal society’ which says that ‘ Men are always right’ . Being laughed at many a times. Being out of work when we had babies thinking how will they manage field work. Are we a Bollywood celebrity, that you have a baby and your career is at the end.
“Gender Inclusive Spatial Planning”; By- RV Rita Minhas.
She highlighted the topic of Women in Architecture and Valuation. Indian architecture is being gracefully shaped by the women of India since the early 1930s. Notable names like Perin Jamshedji Mistri, Eulie Chowdhury, Pravina Mehta and Sheila Sri Prakash have been creating history in the field through their enterprising endeavours relevant from the pre-independent era to the modernist. With changing times and needs, the women of today are redefining an architect’s role by contributing to more verticals than design. Women are actively participating in different fields including Valuation. A good number of women are becoming Registered valuers under companies act , which is very encouraging for all of us.
She elaborated the Preview of efforts done by NGO Jagori in India in collaboration with UNIFEM
JAGORI (’AWAKEN, WOMEN’) is a women’s documentation, training and communication centre established in 1984. Safe City Free of Violence Against Women and Girls’ – a joint action research initiative by Jagori, UNIFEM, UN Habitat along with the Delhi government.
- Creating public spaces with features that enhance women‘s safety and feelings of safety, and detract from features that cause women‘s insecurity and feelings of insecurity.
- Safety planning and design also involves more than just the concrete, physical features of a space .
- Safe Public transport should ensure that they make multiple places and destinations for diverse purposes. As a result, women‘s movement through the city has been described as trip-chaining.
- Safe public transit for women and girls should include improvisation of non-motorized forms of transport. That is, well-maintained footpaths, pedestrian streets, well-lit sidewalks, bicycle lanes etc.
“Decoding the POSH Act-2013 FOR A VALUER; By-Ar. Dolcy Gupta & Advocate Vishakha Gupta.
They elaborated the Internal Complaint Committee Constitution. The Law states that organizations must have an internal committee which shall consist of: A Women Presiding Officer, At least 2 members from amongst employees, 1 external member (independent person from amongst NGO or associations committed to the cause of women or a person familiar with the issues relating to sexual harassment) , At least one half of the total members must be women, Term of IC is three years.
They also emphasized to Train IC members & to Organize Awareness Programs for Employees. The POSH Law requires that IC Members are trained so that they are able to inquire into complaints effectively as per process under Law. Similarly Law also provides that organizations must organize regular training and awareness programs on this Law amongst employees to ensure knowledge/awareness about it. These can be conducted through in-person interactive sessions, interactive webinars, e-learning modules, podcasts, plays etc. and can be of different durations.
“Sustainable Housing for Sustainable Cities- The new urban agenda”; By-RV Madhu Garg.
She elaborated the concept of TODAY’S GLOBAL SCENARIO OF HOUSING DEMAND & said that Housing is the most important component in a city because it occupies the biggest ratio of the area of a city. Housing acts as a mini city which caters to both physical and social/recreational and infra structural needs and services for the people. Today we are facing challenges of continuing growth in Urban areas, Global Warming, water scarcity and air pollution in almost all cities because we have consumed our resources much faster than these resources took to grow and we are living far beyond means at the expense of nature.
At present level of consumption, the human species require about 3 earths to sustain themselves. Architecture accounts for roughly half of all resources consumption in the form of materials, energy, water and loss of fertile agriculture land and forests. Therefore, we as architects need to take suitable measures to prevent them. If we switch to sustainable architecture and green building designs not just for the sake of nature but for ourselves we would not only save the environment but also reduce our ownership cost.
“Elements of Iconic Architecture-” The Award Winning I.T. Orbit Building Through the Lens of Its Creator”; By-RV Mohita Garg Vashisht.
She told about the Design interventions are made by architects to differentiate the spatial extrusion of the building in response to regulatory standards and potentially financial constraints. Such design interventions plays a key role in determining the potential asset value in addition to other factors. She added about the Role as a Valuer that Building valuation models have been steadily improving for the past 50 years and are developing to consider real estate value drivers. Predominantly, they are used to understand neighborhood and building feature value impacts.
Historically, the valuation literature has relied on the hedonic asset pricing model, or some derivation, the hybrid or repeat sales approach. also added about the Role as a Architectural Designer that Designers, on the other hand, consider much more qualitative and tactile elements of architecture during the design process—such as materiality, geometry, daylight, views, and spatial flexibility—to cater to both functional, regulatory, as well as aesthetic needs.
During this occasion, the MD of the organization Er Sundeep Bansal said that “International Women’s Day” also aims to draw attention to issues faced by women and advocate for women’s emancipation. In order to celebrate International Women’s Day to recognize exceptional work undertaken towards women’s empowerment, we seek your support for celebrating women’s achievements, focusing on eliminating gender-based violence and discrimination along with adopting innovative approaches to bring perceptible changes to the social, political, economic and cultural empowerment of women.
He added that we at CEV IAF RVO are organizing this event today on 12th of March to be one step closer to gender equality and the vision of women living with dignity and contributing as equal partners in development in an environment free from violence and discrimination. A suitable report along with pictures and videos of the event will be prepared and submitted to the authority.
He added that on this occasion all the chapters of the CEV have decided & announce to establish a special Women Chair in the governing board of the chapter and the designation of this chair will be Joint Secretary.
Ar. Akshada Dhoot & Dr. Shefalika conveys special thanks to all the participants for their knowledgeable inputs for guiding the participants for various technical topics. They added that the recent education programs in different parts of the country & online sessions were highly successful and show the good faith of professionals towards the transparent & members-friendly working of CEV IAF RVO.
They convey wishes & thanks to all the participants for their cooperation in maintaining discipline and following the protocols as fixed by the authority IBBI for attending the online classes. RV members congratulated the CEV IAF organizers for successfully arranging this program.