- To ensure mutual co-operation amongst members by free interchange of opinion and experience.
- To endeavor to protect the profession of valuation concerning all categories from misrepresentation and misunderstanding.
- To express an opinion only when it is founded on adequate knowledge and honest conviction if he is serving as a witness before a court or commission.
- To hold in regard the professional reputation of other Corporate Members and not to injure directly or indirectly the professional reputation or practice of another Corporate Member.
- To exercise the restraint in criticizing the work of another Corporate Member
- To refrain from associating in work with other valuer who does not conform to ethical practice.
- To refrain from misrepresenting his qualifications to a client or to the profession
- To treat all information acquired during the course of the business strictly confidential unless released b the client or demanded by a court of law.
- To present clearly the consequence to be expected if the professional judgment is overruled by a non-professional adequacy of work.
- To observe integrity and fair play in the practice of the profession of valuation.
- To refrain from undertaking to review the work of another Corporate Member of the same client except under Government orders and / or with the knowledge of the first Corporate Member.
- To present the information to the Council of the Institution for action if a Corporate Member considers that another Corporate Member is guilty of the unethical, illegal or unfair practice.
- To order his conduct according to the professional standards and customers of country when a Corporate Member is engaged in Valuation work in a country abroad and to adhere as closely as is practicable to the principals of his code.
- To give unbiased valuation reports conforming to the objective opinion of the property and not to attempt merely to accommodate the interest of the client.
- To steer clear of situations where interest and duty clash
- To refrain from entertaining a client who either fails to declare that he had not engaged another value for the same valuation work or produce a clearance certificate of non-objection from the Valuer if already engaged.
- To conduct yourself and the profession in a manner which will not prejudice your professional status or the reputation of the institution.
- To follow this code as amended and or revised from time to time