Diksha: The Spirit of Diksha

The word ‘initiation’ cannot represent the spirit of ‘diksha’. The rudimental meaning of ‘initiation’ is ‘to resort to a new avenue of progress’. Certainly, diksha is a new avenue of progress, but it is also something more. The first thing to be known and remembered is that, as per the science of yog, diksha is divided into two important phases. The first phase is known as Vediki diksha, and the second phase is known as Tantriki diksha. In Vediki diksha, the aspirant requests the Supreme Entity, Param Purush, to show him the path. It is not a cult; it is just requesting the Supreme Father to let him know the secrets of success in the stratum of spirituality.

Now, the second phase is Tantriki diksha. In the term ‘initiation’, nothing has been clearly said regarding this cult. Tantriki diksha has three phases: dipani, mantraghata and mantra chaitanya. The first phase is dipani, meaning ‘showing the torchlight’. Diksha gives the aspirant the route, the way, or rather the path, of bliss. It shows the path of bliss. And to show the path of bliss, light is required; and that light is also supplied by diksha. This light is dipani. Mantraghata and mantra chaitanya: Mantraghata means when that acoustic root strikes at the root of the coiled serpentine, it is aroused. This is called mantraghata. After that this roused coiled serpentine moves with the force, the stamina, it gets from the mantra. It moves towards the supreme positivity, and this movement is called mantra chaitanya.

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