In a written response to a question, Minister of State for Housing and Urban Affairs Kaushal Kishore said that 70,601 complaints have been disposed of by respective state Real Estate Regulatory Authorities till July 23, 2021.
He also said that 52,284 agents have been registered during the same period under RERA.
Under the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act, 2016, all states are mandated to constitute their respective real estate regulator RERA, which provides proper protection to home buyers.
“As per the information provided by various Real Estate Regulatory Authorities, as on 23rd July, 2021, 67,669 Real Estate Projects and 52,284 Real Estate Agents have been registered under RERA,” the minister said.
According to RERA provisions, real estate projects and real estate agents are required to get registered with real estate regulatory authority of the states and union territories concerned.