The term collateral refers to an asset that a lender accepts as security for the loan
The collateral acts as a form of protection for the lender
If the borrower defaults on their loan payments, the lender can seize the collateral and sell it to recoup some or all of its losses
Collateral security meaning
An asset which a borrower is required to deposit with, or pledge to, a lender as a condition of obtaining a loan, which can be sold off if the loan is not repaid
Primary security is the asset created out of the credit facility extended to the borrower and/or which are directly associated with the business/project of the borrower for which the credit facility has been extended
Collateral security is any other security offered for the said credit facility
Understanding of Five C’s of Credit
1) Capacity Ability to repay loans
2) Capital The cash you put towards starting your business is called capital, this may come from deposits or money from other sources
3) Collateral A secondary source of repayment for the loan
4) Conditions The market for your business and clear purpose of the loan, type of industry, and your experience in it
5) Character Educational background, business experience, and personal credit history
Can be liquidated for cash equal to 20% down payment
Selling of collateral security
You can’t sell an asset pledged as collateral on a small business loan unless you have the lenders consent and you have paid the appropriate price for the release
If you have sold the collateral without the lender’s consent, the lender has legal resources against you and the buyer
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