Saturday Brain Storming Thought (104)-13/03/2021
A Procyclical fiscal policy can be summarized simply as governments choosing to increase government spending and reduce taxes during an economic expansion, but reduce spending and increase taxes during a recession
Meaning of Procyclical
Procyclical means something with a positive effect
Meaning of Countercyclical
Countercyclical means a negative effect
Both there’s can also be used to refer to a governments approach to spending and taxes
Procyclical inflation
Procyclic refers to a condition of a positive correlation between the value of a good, a service or an economic indicator and the overall state of economy
Procyclicality of financial system
Strictly speaking, Procyclicality refers to the tendency of financial variables to fluctuate around a trend during the economic cycle
Increased Procyclicality thus simply means fluctuations with broader amplitude
Procyclicality in inflation
During recessions, when the unemployment rate is high and there is excess supply, businesses are less apt to raise prices, causing inflation to decline
If the sectors inflation rate shows a negative and statistically significant relationship with the unemployment gap, we categorize the sector as Procyclical
Procyclic economic indicators
Procyclic refers to a condition of a positive correlation between the value of a good, a service or an economic indicator and the overall state of the economy
Procyclic economic indicator is one that moves in the same direction of economy
economic indicators for global investors
1) GDP
2) employment indicators
3) consumer price index
4) central bank minutes
5) PMI manufacturing and services
6) stock market
7) balance of trades
8) housing starts
9) interest rates
10) inflation
Procyclical variable
A variable is Procyclical if it’s deviations from trend are positively correlated with the output gap
Countercyclical variable
A variable is Countercyclical if it’s deviations from trend are negatively correlated with the output gap
Acyclical variable
A variable is Acyclical if it is not Procyclical nor Countercyclical
Leading variable
If a macro variable helps in predicting the future path of RGDP
Lagging variable
If RGDP helps in predicting the future path of the variable, it is a lagging variable
Coincident variable
Variables which neither lead nor lag RGDP are called coincident variables
Measure of cyclical variability
Finally, we are interested in the volatility of the macroeconomic variables
A measure of cyclical variability is the standard deviation of the percentage deviations from trend
Real Gross Domestic Product (RGDP) is a macroeconomic statistics that measures the value of the goods and services produced by an economy in a specific period, adjusted for inflation
Essentially RGDP measures a country’s total economic output, adjusted for price changes
Standard deviation
It is a measure of the amount of variation or dispersion of a set of values
Cyclical industries
A cyclical industry refers to an industry whose revenue generation capabilities are tied to the business cycle ie performance is correlated to the business cycle
1) Auto components
2) construction
3) semiconductor
4) steel
5) Airline
6) Hotels, restarunts and leisure
7) Textile, apparel and luxury goods
Business Cycle
And continues
Characteristics of business cycles
1) fluctuations of aggregate economic activity
2) cycles ie expansion/boom and contraction/recession
Peak and trough are the turning points of business cycle
3) comovements of many macro variables over the business cycle
4) business cycles are recurrent but not periodic
5) persistence of economic activity
Compiled by:-
Er. Avinash Kulkarni
Chartered Engineer
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