Saturday Brain Storming Thought (98)-30/01/2021



Business incubation is the name given to the process, wherein an individual or an organization supports the establishment and growth of a start-up

Business Incubator

Those supporting the start-up or new companies are called business incubator

These business incubator see the growth potential and weigh the opportunity before supporting or funneling funds into any start-up

The selection of a start-up involves a high level of research before any decision is taken to support or find a start-up

Goal of incubation is to increase the success chances of business

Factors responsible for business incubation are

1) corporate downsizing

2) increased entrepreneurship

3) new technologies

4) economic globalization

5) transfer of technology

Stages of business incubation

1) physical facility support

2) networking facilities

3) support services

Incubators organizations

1) economic development organizations

2) government entities

3) local colleges and universities

4) for-profit ventures

5) trade associations

Services offered by business incubators

1) help a start-up to start basic operations and financial management

2) offer marketing and PR assistance to new companies to set up a brand name

3) business incubators have a strong network of influential people, and therefore, they can connect the business with the same to grow

4) business incubators also provide assistance and resources for conducting market research

5) incubators also helps the start-ups in sorting their accounting books

6) incubators bring creditability to the company, this helps the company to get loans and credit facilities from financial institutions

7) often the start-ups do not know how to create an effective presentation to impress angel investors, venture capital and other investors

Business incubators, with plenty of experience behind them, help these companies with the presentations as well

8) business incubators also acts as mentors and advisors and assist the start-ups in all sorts of business related issues

Mechanics of starting an incubation center

1) assess the market conditions and entrepreneurs requirements

2) identify team and service providers

3) arrange for resources

4) establish industry linkages

5) draw out a calander of activities

6) attract, select, retain and manage start-ups

Arrange for resources

1) space

2) connectivity – internet, telephone, electricity

3) data center

4) services – maintenance, security

5) furnishing – chair, table, cubicles

6) IT infra and support – software, LAN, leased lines, Wi-Fi, printer, scanner, copier, access control system

7) others – board rooms, meeting rooms, coffee machines, restaurants etc

All this comes at a cost, and the incubation center management needs to generate to resources for the same

Advantages of business incubation

1) business and technical assistance

2) affordable/flexible lease space

3) a network of relationships with other business owners

4) ability to adjust business model to market conditions

5) financial assistance and advice

6) preservation of working capital

Disadvantages of business incubation

1) the application process can be rigorous and competitive

2) an applicant is required to submit a detailed business plan and disclose all business activities

3) many incubators require a time commitment which may include trainings and workshops for which cost is required

4) incubator works like your boss

Virtual incubators

Virtual incubators can be defined as a catalyst for socio-economic development, providing a process for developing early stage ideas into viable ventures

Business incubators offers formal and informal learning opportunities and connect entrepreneurs to an ecosystem of related services

Virtual incubators are still getting defined in a fast-changing world, they have a potential of disrupting the traditional business incubation model

Types of business incubators

1) virtual business incubator

2) kitchen incubator

3) public incubator

4) seed accelerator

5) start-up studio

6) venture builder

7) medical incubator

Incubation process

1) eligibility

2) admission process

3) intellectual property

4) loan

5) infrastructure

6) common infrastructure

7) other services

8) periodic assessment

9) information submission

10) consideration

11) tenure in business incubation

12) exit

13) conflicts of interests and confidentiality of information

14) disclaimer

15) agreements

Key factors affecting business incubation policy

1) objectives for business incubation and service mix

2) wider business environment

3) funding strategies and sustainability

4) ownership and management

5) monitoring and appraisal

Business incubation programme – objectives for external perspective

1) creation of entrepreneurship in transition economies

2) exports/internationalization

3) economic development

4) the formation of productive clusters/arrangements

5) university – company relationship

6) diversification of local economies

7) creation of local value added jobs & services

8) building / acceleration of local industry growth

9) facilitating technology transfer

10) retaining firms in community

11) revitalization distressed neibhourhood

12) providing opportunities for national immigrants and national graduation abroad

Business incubation programme – objectives of internal perspective

1) creation of innovative and sustainable start-up companies, support their growth and development

2) property / real estate development

3) revenue and benefits generation for sponser

4) development of innovation in existing SMEs

5) development of non-profit making companies (third sector)

6) specialized business services to existing SMEs and Startups

7) foster entrepreneurial climate and sprit

8) technology commercialization

9) encourage and support minority or women entrepreneurship

10) identification of potential spin-ins or spin-outs

11) moving people from welfare to work

12) research and development

13) opportunity for risk capital

14) marketing and research investments

Stages of creativity

1) preparation

2) incubation

3) illumination

4) verification

Incubation as an important component in the creative process

Compiled by:-

Er. Avinash Kulkarni

Chartered Engineer
Govt Regd Valuer
IBBI Regd Valuer

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