Brand valuation 

Brand valuation 

It is the process used to calculate the value of brands. Historically most of a company value was in tangible assets such as property, stock, machinery or land. This has now changed and the majority of most companies value is in intangible assets such as their brand names

The value of brand has been recognised for over a hundred years

Brand valuation requires for

1) IFRS 3 (international financial reporting standards) 

2) disputes (useful to calculate damages or lost profit)

3) decide brand strategy 

4) ROI (return on investment)

5) due diligence (prior to acquisition)

6) securatisation (raise finance) 

7) insolvency 

8) sale

9) re-branding 

10) brand management 

11) tax purpose

12) financing 

Brand valuation methods

(1) income based brand valuation method

  1. a) relief from royalty method – based on how much the brand owner would have to pay to use it’s brand, if uses dcf to capitalise future branded cash flows

  2. b) excess earning methods – to calculate the earnings above the profit required to attract investor

  3. c) price premium method – if is based on a capitalisation of future profit stream premiums attributable to a business brand above the revenues of a generic business, without a brand 

  4. d) capitalisation of historic profit method – it is based on the capitalisation of profits earned by the brand

(2) market based brand valuation method

  1. a) P/E ratios method – price to earning ratio – it multiples the brands profit by a multiple derived from similar transactions of profits to price paid based on the value of reported brand values

  2. b) Turn over multiples method – it multiples the brands turnover by a multiple derived from similar transactions 

(3) Cost based brand valuation methods

  1. a) creation cost methods – estimates the amount that has been invested in creating the brand

  2. b) replacement value method – estimates the investment required to build a brand with a similar market position and share

Value of brand

If considers he valuation of future net earnings that can be attributed directly to the brand to determine the brand value in its current use. 

Brand value is the net present value (NPV) or today’s value of the earnings the brand is, expected to generate in the future

How to measure brand awareness with key matrices

1) direct traffic to website 

2) earned media 

3) external links

4) blog shares

5) social engagements 

6) community reach 

7) search volume 

Determine brand awareness goals 

1) increase brand recall or recognition 

2) increase direct web traffic 

3) lift brand conversations 

Brand tracking 

1) establish baseline matrices

2) embed data collection at key milestone listening posts

3) analyze digital brand metrics

4) adjust brand, strategy 

5) repeat

ROI formula 

1) net incone/investment cost

2) investment gain/investment base 

3) (ending value/begining value) rest to (1/no of years) minus 1


Compiled by

Avinash Kulkarni 

Chartered engineer 

Govt Approved Valuer

IBBI regd valuer

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